Negative effects of mobile phone use on our society, health and environment

Negative Effects of Mobile phones on our Society

Negative effects of mobile phone use on our society, health and environment
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What are the negative effects of mobile phones on our society? The below article outcasts the some of the ill effects of using mobile phones.

The use of mobile phone is increasing day by day. Today mobile phone is one the major necessity of life. But in spite of all its benefits and plus points mobile phone use has very dangerous and destructive effects on our society. It has totally disturbed the structure and foundation of our society. The major and most destructive effects of mobile phone use on our society are given below,

1.  Wastage of Time and Money

People are wasting lot of their time in sending unnecessary sms (messages) to one another through their mobile phones. This is totally wastage of time and money.

2.  Negative Effects On Students

Students do not give proper time to their studies and waste their time in playing games, listening music, watching videos and reading messages on their mobile phones.

3.  Negative Effects On Teenagers

Parents are not aware about the activities of their children.

Teenagers’ boys and girls communicate each other through their mobile phones and do negative kind of activities. This is very dangerous and major negative impact of mobile phone on your society. Our new generation is totally destroyed by this negative aspect of mobile phones.

4.  A Communication Tool For Criminal Purposes

Mobile phones now becoming a major communication tool for criminal’s activities. People are using this fastest communication for terrorism and other kind of criminal activities.
We must overcome these negative impacts of mobile phone use on our society otherwise our society and new generations will completely destroy.

5. Negative Effects of Mobile Phone Use On Our Health

Mobile phones especially poor quality mobile phones have a great negative effects on our health. The raditions emerged from these mobile phones cause many serious health issues. According to a new researh mobile phones are greatly contaminated with different types of microorganisms especially bacteria which cause a lot of diseases.

6. Negative Effects of Mobile Phone Use On Our Environment

Mobile phones use has a dangerous effects on our enviroment including birds, mammals and pet animals. It has been observed that the animal which are more exposed to raditions emerging from these mobile phones or towers have many abnormalities as compared to those who are not exposed to these types of raditions.

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