Complete Guide to Chatbot Development

All About Chatbots in Artificial Intelligence

Complete Guide to Chatbot Development
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Chatbots are one of the mostly used used Artificial Intelligence based discoveries which are extremely helpful in the instant messenger kind of services provided in this world of internet. Several instant messengers including Facebook Messengers, Whatsapp, Skype etc uses Chatbots service to reduce the human based efforts and to have a kind of dependency upon the AI based technologies for carrying out several online tasks.

Chatbot is a most common term used in the field of Information Technology especially considering the case of instant messengers in the world of internet. With the continuous advancement in technology, almost all of us are well familiar with the internet based instant messengers such as FB messenger, Skype, Whatsapp etc and this is the place where the utlity of Chatbots deeply flourish.

Chatbot is an AI based technology in the form of computer based program developed used along with the programming script for providing simplicity to the users while performing any specific function over the internet. With the in depth involvement of the artificial intelligence based complicated algorithms and techniques, Chatbots are made extremely efficient in solving up of the typical tasks.

Online instant messaging based services including Facebook messenger, Whatsapp, Skype etc, virtual chatbots have been developed by the companies providing such services which are further used in solving up of several human issues utilizing artificial intelligence based online methodologies. Chatbots frequently communicates via text messages working as an assistant which are often noticed as integration into the websites, applications and instant messengers.

Accordingly, the big business owners especially the entrepreneurs having several direct dealing with the customers find it easy to get their business scattered among the citizens with a rapid speed. Tremendous speed of processing up the user’s request and thereby gaining the customer’s trust is the basic mantra behind considering up of Chatbots by the business personnel.

The development of the Chatbot have also encouraged the entrepreneurs to have their dependency upon such AI based scientific technologies and thereby decreasing the unnecessary manpower for all such type of works.

Chatbot Development

The concepts of data mining, machine learning as well as natural language processing are used as the backend tools for the entire developments concerned with the Chatbots. Several companies having very intuitive graphical user interface have already developed various useful Chatbot engines which makes it easy for the engines to involve the basic chatbot responsibilities.

Chatbot system architecture consists of a bot engine, backend applications along with the chat platforms. The Chatbot platform built with modern AI based techniques provides a user friendly interface with all the essential and advanced settings for customization and personalization. 

Steps Involved to Develop Chatbot Application

Chatbot development is one of the complicated procedures which involves the given list of serious steps for the development:-

Identification of the opportunity for strong AI based chatbot :

Proper understanding up of the opportunities involved in the development of an Artificial Intelligence based chatbot is essential before building up of a chatbot. Technology based company now-a-days think of the opportunities and technologies to apply for the development of such chatbots using the solutions associated with the AI based techniques. Any kind of work activity can be considered under the AI based Work Complexity and Data Complexity criteria which ultimately results in the following four primary types of activity models:-

  1. Efficiency
  2. Expertise
  3. Effectiveness
  4. Creative innovation

Understanding up of the customer goals :

This step involves the client’s desires behind the development of the chatbots. Target based research about this query by the designer keeping in view the motive of the customers for the development of this chatbot will help the designer better to develop a well designed chatbot engine to carry out several specific tasks.

Chatbot conversation building and designing:

Designing up the chatbot conversation by the concerned designer involves several structured and the unstructured conversations. Structured conversations are developed to deliver the logical flow involving menus and choice. The unstructured conversation however involves the plain text with free style designing. All the conversation with family and friends falls into this particular type of categorization. 

Chatbot Development Using Various Frameworks or the Development Platforms :

The companies such as e-commerce based companies which are involved in heavy customer based interactions uses Chatfuel, etc as the development or the non-coding platform following their better functionalities and high end interaction based features. Better selection of such platforms ultimately results in a better development of the user friendly chatbot engines.

Powerful Platforms to Build Chatbots :

Some of the most important platforms are discussed with the help of following given points to build a strong chatbot with enhanced functionalities:-

  1. Chatfuel: Features such as sharing the updates to the followers and integrating up of the content cards are considered under this environment. Combining up of the information inside the messenger chat with forms and providing a facility to the users to request for any concerned information are also considered as the biggest functionalities of this platform under which the bots are used via the provided buttons.
  2. Botsify: This environment uses the drag and drop templates for the creation up of the bots. Smart AI, Machine learning and the easiest integrations via multiple available plugins are also included under the environment which further differentiates it from the other platforms.
  3. Bottr: The specifications supported with this environment helps the bots to get embedded on the websites and other supported platforms. Data and information can also be embedded using multiple sources of content building resources such as Medium etc for the best data coverage.
  4. Motion AI: This strong platform is used keeping in view several well renowned messaging platforms including the Facebook messenger, Slack, Smooch or even for our own websites for visually building, training and deployment up of the chatbots on these environments. Entire conversational flows can be drawn with the help of flowcharts for effective understanding and getting a visual review of the complete outcomes of the bot query with ease.
  5. Beep Bop: A focus on building up the well enhanced and great bots is provided following the end-to-end developer experience made available by this platform. It even provides the best and easiest ways of creating the Slack bots.
  6. Flow XO: Flow XO is a single chatbot platform to provide more than 100 integrations. An easy to use visual editor and several pre-built templates for a quick start are also comfortably provided by this great platform.
  7. QnA Maker: QnA bot is an environment developed by the Microsoft corporation for proudly sharing up of the URL of the FAQ page. Following the similar action, the bot will soon be effectively created accessing the list of information available on the FAQ page and the structured data.
  8. Botkit: This chatbot development environment includes a list of several useful tools such as Botkit studio, a core library, boiler plate app starter kits as well as several useful plugins too for better expanding of the bot capabilities.

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