How to Appear Offline to Specific People on Facebook

Hi guys! Are you being disturbed by someone ( may be stranger or may be your closed friend, you do not want to chat with him/her, but do not want to ignore also ) while you are chatting with your special one? Here I will show the way to remain Offline for specific friend(s) in Facebook chat.
In the modern era, Facebook becomes the most popular social network, it can be said blindly. More than one billion people are connected through Facebook. In such a little time it is gaining much popularity. If anybody say "I do not have a Facebook account" then people may be surprised because now-a-days everybody is on Facebook. I think Facebook is the most visited website after Google. Facebook is being used for making and keeping social relationship, promoting websites, business, articles and also for fun and entertainment.
Now lets go to the point, i.e., how you will stay offline for some specific friend(s) in Facebook.
In the Facebook chat, a situation may be occurred when you are with your special one ( girl friend/ boy friend/ VIP ) and discussing for an important task, at that moment someone sends u a message in your Facebook chat and let the person is your good friend, but you do not have time to reply his/her message since you are discussing with your special one for an important task. Thus the person will thinks that you are ignoring him/her and this may creates a 'misunderstanding. To relief from this situation you might be thinking to make yourself invisible (offline) for that particular friend(s) in Facebook chat.
This is a good feature in Facebook to stay offline for specific friend(s). Unfortunately other IM services like GTalk, Windows live messenger etc. do not allow this.
Step-by-step process to become Offline for some specific friend(s) in Facebook chat:
First log in your Facebook account and click on "Friends" tab from left side bar of the homepage. The "Friends" page will be appeared.
The "Friends" page consists of various options. Among the various options, you just have to click on "Edit friends" link button. The "Edit friends" page will be appeared.
In the page of "Edit friends" , you will need to click on "Create a list" option. Here you will be asked for giving a name for the list you are creating. You have to give a significant name for the list. You can give the name as "Offline Friends" or "DND list" as your wish ( but as you understand ). After giving the name of list you have to turn the settings "OFF" for this list.
Now add the friends ( For whose you want to be offline ) to the list by clicking on the thumbnails in the overlay window. After adding the friends to the list you have to press "Create list" button. You may add or remove any friend in that list anytime as your wish. Alternatively, you may also be online for some special friend(s) by creating an online friend(s) list rather than Offline friend(s) list. If you want to be online for special one and offline for all others, then you have to create a list as "Online Friends List" and keep the settings as "ON" for it and as "OFF" for all other friends list.
Now you see at the bottom-right corner, where the chat window of Facebook is found, newly created friends list is appeared. You can toggle the IM status of friends list from "ON" to "OFF" and vice-versa by clicking on the visibility button. Gray button refers to "Offline" status and Green button refers to "Online" status. If any one of your Offline friends list wants to send you a IM, the person will gets an instant message such as "Your chat message was not sent because your friend X ( your name ) is Offline".
I do not know this article will be helpful or not for you. But I do know that this idea will helps you to become Offline for specific friend(s) who disturb(s) you while you chat in Facebook with your special one.
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